No. 5 (2021)

Strategies of Professional Development of Teaching Sta ff of Schools: Outline from Russian and Foreign practices

This article considers the results of the study researches of strategies of the professional development of teaching stuff to identify the features of the professional development of teachers who demonstrate stable positive dynamics of students in international researches. This article shows strategies, models of the professional development of teachers from foreign countries (Singapore, South Korea, Hong Kong (China), Finland, Lithuania) and from few regions of Russia (Moscow, Omsk district, Novosibirsk district, Republic of Tatarstan, e.t.c.).

The problem of forming the professional culture of a teacher-choreographer based on an integrated approach

The article is devoted to the study of the problem of the formation of the professional culture of a teacher-choreographer in the frameworks of professional pedagogical education. This problem is caused by the modern socio-cultural situation, which shows a tendency towards a decrease in the level of culture of the society as a whole, in general and the quality of professional culture of teachers-choreographers, in particular.

Problems of Using MOOCs for Teaching Foreign Language to University Students

This article explores the problems that foreign language teachers may face when teaching a professionally oriented foreign language to university students using massive open online courses. The current state of the educational environment dictates the requirements for the use of digital technologies in the educational process of higher education institutions.

Evaluation of the results of students’ project activities

The content of current public school education without elements which develop the personal potential of students is difficult to imagine. It is the project activity which is one of such components; if the forms and methods of organizing project activities no longer cause difficulties for school managers, the issue of evaluating the results of project activities is still under professional discussion both for practicing managers and for experts on education.

Semantic Choice and Professional self-determination of a Teacher in an Innovative educational environment

This article actualizes and analyzes the issues of continuous professional development of teachers, diversification of forms and technologies of such development. In this regard, the factor of innovativeness, the features of the educational environment of the school are considered as motivators for the teacher to change the methodology, mastering modern means and tools of teaching, control and evaluation activities.

The concept of “New tim e” in the Domestic and Foreign Scientific Tradition

The article is devoted to the issue of determining the framework and content of historical periods, which is relevant both for the sphere of history education and for applied scientific research. The methodological basis of the study is a complex of general scientific and special historical concepts, the application of which allows to substantiate the periodization of the historical process on the basis of the criteria of objectivity and scientific character.

Typology of school mathematical problems

The article discusses various classifications and typologies of mathematical problems: by the nature of the mental activity of students, by didactic goals, by the type of thinking in the process of solving, and others. A typology of tasks was identified that can be applied in the educational process when monitoring the understanding of educational material.
Keywords: mathematical problem; classification; typology; mental activity.

Form ation of university students ’ healthy lifestyle in physical education

In era of intensive development of Internet technologies and online education, the health of the modern generation raises a great concern. In these conditions, it is vital and extremely important to develop modern university students' healthy lifestyle in physical education. The aim of the current paper is to analyze and generalize the role of physical culture in the formation of modern students' healthy lifestyle in non-physical education universities.

People within Power & Power in Search of People: «Management Techniques» in Terms of Palace Coups d’Etai, 18th Century Russia

 Problem statement. It is curious to reflect that so much importance has been given to the actual issues of the problem under consideration in terms of current historiography scientific Scholarship of «People within power» & «Power in search of people» within «management techniques» of the Palace Coups d'Etai of the XVIII-th century. Both the structural model and the functional/communicative model have, in their different ways, consistently played it.

Formation of Professionally Significant Competencies in the Educational Process using the “business game” tool

The article is devoted to the importance of using active teaching methods in the educational process, in particular, the use of business games. Active teaching methods successfully activate cognitive, creative and independent activity in solving a variety of assigned tasks. Active teaching methods are highly interactive. The business game allows you to build the teacher-student interaction and fill it with the shades of the future professional sphere. Federal State Educational Standard (FSES) today requires the use of active and interactive forms in the educational process.
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