School Physical Equipment Laboratory

In this article we propose a solution to the problem of equipping school physics classrooms. Self-made educational equipment was developed by the staff of the Laboratory of School Physical Equipment at the State Lyceum of the Republic of Tyva. The equipment is imitable in the spaces of school workshops, and there is no need in the special options. The proposed equipment is designed for front laboratory work, workshops and presentations in the aspect of general physics: Mechanics, Molecular Physics, Electrodynamics. Students were involved in the creation of the equipment for individual scientific projects in addition to the "Student's Work Space" instrument kit as a part of the Technical Physics course. The physical experiment in terms of this equipment is carried out in accord with the Curriculum developed by the author of this article, to teach intellectually gifted students and students of specialized classes of physics and mathematics. Most of the laboratory installations and appliances are original and are not part of standard equipment. The lab work  performed by the students is not included in the listing of laboratory work of the Approximation program yet, The technology of making devices was presented at Refresher courses. The description of some of the installations is presented in the scientific articles of the Physics in School journal, as well as at scientific conferences. S The article provides listing of the equipment developed and the laboratory works used. Photos of the kits in the frameworks of Physics sections are also presented.
Keywords: laboratory equipment; technical physics; curriculum in Electronic.
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