Communication Club as a Way of Teaching Spoken English

The relevance of the study is due to the need to conduct speaking clubs in order to create an affective linguistic environment for communication and increase the motivation of students in the English language classes. One of the problems of studying English and other foreign languages is that, despite the acquired knowledge, students can't always use it because they don't have enough speaking practice at class. This entails an inability of many students to maintain conversation on basic conversational topics in many social situations. At the same time, such form of organizing a lesson as a Conversation Club will be of interest to schoolchildren and students, since it involves live communication on a given topic with different participants and an exchange of views on certain issues using special teaching aids. This article solves the following social and cognitive tasks: creating a language environment in an English classroom to develop speaking skills; socialization of students in English lessons, removing the language and psychological barriers; increasing motivation for learning through awareness of the practical importance of the subject; training of spontaneous speech, readiness to interact with different participants in communication; implementation of a personality-oriented approach in teaching a foreign language; formation and development of language skills; preparation for language exams; teaching students various ways to search and analyze information to prepare a discussion of issues, carrying out cases and projects, using information technologies.
Keywords: communication club; conversational skills; monologue and dialogical forms of speech; spontaneous speech 5 training; communicative competence.
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