Development of Master’s Program “Educational Entrepreneurship” in the Context of Lifelong Education

The introduction describes the relationship between the ideas of lifelong education and entrepreneurship in education, substantiates the relevance of the development of this direction in higher education. Based on the use of methods of theoretical and empirical research, the necessity of developing master's program in the context of higher education is substantiated. The appeal to psychological knowledge allowed the author of the article to draw a parallel between the ideas of lifelong education and entrepreneurship. The conducted small survey helped to reveal a certain trend, and to confirm the assumption that it is necessary to include the master's program in the educational plan of the university. The author emphasizes the relationship between educational entrepreneurship and lifelong education and, in this regard, suggests that new principles of pedagogical thinking will emerge on the basis of the development of this direction in pedagogy.
Keywords: educational entrepreneurship; continuing education; activity; post-non-classical science; digital economy; master; need.
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