On the Peculiarities of Teaching Social and Humanitarian Subjects in Specialized Classes in Educational Institutions of the Novosibirsk region

The article focuses on the possibilities and mission of social and humanitarian disciplines in the process of organizing a holistic, capacious, promising form of integration of the goals of society and the individual through the creation of specialized classes. The author shows the possibilities, specifics, role and value of social and humanitarian subjects taught in specialized classes in the Novosibirsk region. The structure and problems of modern humanitarian knowledge, its transdisciplinary capabilities, according to the author, form a wide range of competencies for solving related or complex, both worldview and purely production tasks. The author answers the question of what is fundamentally new in the organization of the educational process for a teacher of social and humanitarian disciplines working in a specialized class (engineering, natural science, mathematical profile, agro-technological profile). Without choosing у revolutionary paths, the article proposes an organic but significant reform of the methodological and substantive aspects of organizing educational activities in relation to teaching social and humanitarian disciplines in specialized classes.
Keywords: specialized classes; constructivism; social and humanitarian education; functional literacy.
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