Exhibitions of Novosibirsk Museums as a Tool for the Formation of Historical Memory

The purpose of this study is to analyze the exhibition activities of Novosibirsk city museums in the anniversary year of 2020. At the present time at the forefront is the problem of uniting citizens on the basis of a single idea, which should be aware and close to everyone. Achieving this goal contributes to familiarity with the history, the formation of pride for their homeland. Historical memory as a special phenomenon of socio-cultural reality has the ability to preserve in the mass consciousness of members of society assessments of events of the past, turning them into value orientations. The key tool for the formation of the Russian society's perceptions of the past is a museum. The subject of the study is the memorial exhibition projects of museums in the Novosibirsk region, prepared for the 75th anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. Based on the analysis of socio-cultural practice of museums in the Novosibirsk region it is possible to make a reasonable conclusion that their activities in the formation, support and translation of historical memory correspond to an innovative model. The conducted exhibitions demonstrate that the exhibition activities of Novosibirsk museums are dominated by the principle of commemoration — mobilization of memory about specific events or historical characters. And exactly such museums are most connected with the implementation of memory policy and have the greatest efficiency.
Keywords: historical memory; exhibition; commemoration; museums; citizenship; Novosibirsk region; representation of the past; memorialization.
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