No. 3 (2021)

Hauptrichtungen der wachsenden Personlichkeitsbildung unter modernen soziookonomischen Bedingungen

Das Hauptanliegen dieses Artikels ist es, das Hauptproblem des Bildungssystems in der Sekundarstufe zu aktualisieren, das in der uberwaltigenden Dominanz derWissenskomponente imVergleich zur Bildungskomponente bei der Bewertung und Analyse der Ergebnisse der Bildungsaktivitaten der Lehrer und sogar der Bildungsorganisationen besteht. Und das, obwohl die Aufmerksamkeit fur den Bildungsprozess im schulischen Umfeld in letzter Zeit zugenommen hat.

Tutor Support for Junior Schoolchildren with Mental Retardation

This article is devoted to one of the urgent problems of modern education — the organization and implementation the tutor support for schoolchildren with disabilities. The purpose of the article is to describe the specifics of tutoring support for younger schoolchildren with mental retardation as the most numerous and at the same time heterogeneous group of schoolchildren with disabilities.

Advanced Training of Inclusive Education Teachers: A Regional Aspect

A study of the work of general educational institutions in the Irkutsk region as part of a sample sociological survey revealed the need to intensify the work to improve the qualification of teachers who are simultaneously implementing the adapted primary programmes for general elementary education. Goals and objectives.

Teaching Foreign Speech-Thinking Activity at Non-Linguistic University

This article deals with the issue of unwillingness of non-linguistic university students to use a foreign language in a field of professional communication. Most students do not have a motive for foreign language communication. They also cannot state their arguments in a foreign language. The article presents a way to optimize the process of teaching a foreign language through the organization of foreign language speech-thinking activity.

Regional Aspects of the Tutorials for Functioning Civic & Patriotic Education of the Youth: History of Novosibirsk Destination — from Gubernja to the Capital of the Siberian Region

Problem statement. The research field of topical aspects of spiritual, moral, patriotic and civic education of young people is more extensive than ever before in the light of the new educational values of current Russian education. The purpose of this study is both to update and determine the importance of the Regional history in historical science, in pedagogy, and in educational activities of social institutions of different levels and significance. Methodology and materials of the research.

Research Approach to Teaching Schoolchildren a Foreign Language

The article updates organizational and methodical peculiarities of schoolchildren's research work during foreign language learning. The authors justify the relevance of the research approach to forming schoolchildren's research skills as a universal way of learning the reality, gaining personal experience of learning, creativity development during lifelong education within contemporary information society. It is proved that the subject "Foreign language" offers significant potential for schoolchildren's research skills development.

Mentoring in the Field of Education: Its Essence and Differences from Other Learning Technologies

The development of professional competence of school managers in terms of the implementation of state tasks is the key-point and condition for achieving national and strategic development goals in the field of education, i. e. the entry of the Russian Federation into the top 10 countries in the world in terms of the quality of general education.

Experience of Scientific and Methodological Support of Teaching Mathematics in Specialized Classes

The solution to the problem of scientific and methodological support for teaching mathematics in specialized classes is considered from the position of a teacher who has extensive practical experience, but has difficulties in preparing software and methodological support and creating an optimal educational environment.

Exhibitions of Novosibirsk Museums as a Tool for the Formation of Historical Memory

The purpose of this study is to analyze the exhibition activities of Novosibirsk city museums in the anniversary year of 2020. At the present time at the forefront is the problem of uniting citizens on the basis of a single idea, which should be aware and close to everyone. Achieving this goal contributes to familiarity with the history, the formation of pride for their homeland.

Professional creativity as a Condition for the Professional Training of a Specialist

The article discusses the experience of forming the foundations for professional creative activity of students, given the example of training specialists in educational institutions of secondary vocational education. The relevance of the issue is closely related to the introduction of foreign production technologies at domestic enterprises. The influence of the experience of participation of students in professional competitions on the formation of a creative personality is considered.
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