Intercultural Communication in the Context of University Foreign Language Teaching

The purpose of this article is to present the review o f publications about the  of teaching intercultural communication at the lessons o f foгeign languages at univeгsities. The carried o u t analysis shows th a t the efficiency of inteгcultuгal communication is influenced both by objective and subjective factoгs. The most serious pгoems аге ethnocentгism, confuting to steгeotypes, insufficient foгeign language pгoficiency, mismatching of noгms and behavior of native and target cultuгe. The knowledge o f native language and culture as well as identification with them is very im portant foг successful cross-cultural communication because it makes the communicating parties inteгesting foг each other As foг the problems o f teaching intercultural communication, they аге related to the decreasing number o f academic hours allocated for foreign language teaching and some students' lack o f interest to interact w ith representatives o f other cultures. The practical experience described in the publications suggests that teachers should thoroughly define the content in regards with objectives o f the course and preferably choose authentic materials. It is also recommended to use active forms o f teaching and information and communication technologies.
Keywords: intercultural communication; target culture; native culture; methods o f teaching.
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