Adaptation of the Organism to Load Young Printer Skiers with Different Types Lateral Organization Profile

The article continues a series of publications devoted to the possibility of using the profile of lateral organization, which characterizes the functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain, as one of the marker factors in the structure of phenogenetic characteristics of the human constitution. Con-sideration of profile of lateral organization from the standpoint of integrative anthropology is aimed at solving a number of psychological, pedagogical and biomedical issues, including optimization of sports selection, sports orientation and educational and training process of sportsmen. The task of this stage: to analyze the characteristics of physical development, metabolic processes and physical performance in athletes of different types of profile of the lateral organization when practicing cross-country skiing. It is shown that young sprinter skiers with different types of profile of lateral organization form specific morphological-functional relationships, aimed at increasing the perfor-mance of the body. In particular, the body of adolescents with the right types of profile of lateral organization is most capable of performing short-term speed-strength work and this ability correlates with the partial juvenile sizes of those.
Keywords: profile of lateral organization, adaptation, young sprinter skiers.
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