Anthropometrical Indicators and Biomotorics for Young Athletes with Different Types Profile of Lateral Organization

This article continues a series of publications devoted to the possibility of using the profile of lateral organization (PLO), which characterizes the functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain, as one of the marker factors in the structure of phenogenetic characteristics of the human constitution. The consideration of PLO from the viewpoint of integrative anthropology is aimed at solving a number of psychological, pedagogical and medico-biological issues, including optimization of sports selection, sports orientation, the educational and training process of sports. The task of this stage is to reveal the growth characteristics of morpho-functional structures and biometrics of children and adolescents, differing in the type of profile of the lateral organization in the case of single-valued load. The definition of the type of PLO is carried out according to the method of Chomskaya, E.D., three types of asymmetry are analyzed: manual, auditory and visual. It is shown that the children groups, initial sports training to PLO right type, surpass their peers in terms of anthropometric parameters (weight, height, body dimensions), but by the age of 15-16 years this difference is not sufficient. This micro-population surpasses others in terms of the level of manifestation of the maximum explosive force (jumps upward and into the depth) and speed-force endurance (run 300 m), but the tempo of the height of these faces at. The left type of PLO in this sample is characterized by low rates both in the development of morpho-functional structures, and the formation of the indicated motor qualities. The mixed type of PLO occupies an intermediate position between the two extreme typological groups.
Keywords: profile of lateral organization; functional interhemispheric asymmetry of the brain; initial sports training.
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