The Development of Empathy as a Professionally Significant Personal Quality of the Future Teacher

A modern teacher, educator, undoubtedly must have the ability to feel the inner world of pupils, empathize with their feelings and master the technologies for the development of the emotional sphere of children. At the same time, there is a contradiction between the understanding of the importance of a high level of empathy development in teachers and an insufficient understanding of technologies that allow developing this feeling in future teachers within the framework of professional education. Based on the analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of the development of empathy among teachers, we carried out experimental work on the basis of the College of Pedagogical Education, Informatics and Law of the Institute of Continuous Pedagogical Education of Khakas State University named after N. F. Katanova, which includes three stages: ascertaining, formative and control. In our research, we set the goal of substantiating and testing the use of technologies that allow developing empathy as a professionally significant quality of a teacher. Using standardized methods for diagnosing empathy (I. M. Yusupov, V. V. Boyko), we identified an insufficient level of development of this quality in future teachers. More than half of the students who took part in the work showed a manifestation of empathy only in certain situations that were personally meaningful to them — with close people or in those similar to their own. The results obtained during the ascertaining stage caused the need for the introduction and testing of technologies aimed at developing this feeling.
Keywords: professional training; development of the emotional sphere of future teachers; development of empathy; professional abilities and qualities.
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