Implementation of the master's program «Theater pedagogy»

The article analyzes the experience of creating and implementing the master's program «Theater Pedagogy» at Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University. The identified learning problems allow looking at the organiza-tion of educational process from the side of all its participants, adjusting the content of the educational program, finding opportunities to use distance educational technologies; choose individual learning paths; improve the quality of education in all types of activities of undergraduates. The purpose of the study is to identify ways to solve the identified problems that arise as a result of the synthesis of research, cultural and creative activities. Based on the results of the study, methodological recommendations are proposed for improving the educational process in terms of organizing research activ-ities of undergraduates, forms of control and the choice of methods of cultural and creative activity. Requirements for the level of mastering the master's program are formulated and a number of conditions are identified, including the participation of undergraduates in scientific and practical conferences (including with reports), publication activity; possession of information technology, the methodology of scientific re-search in the field of theatrical art and the methodology of teaching theatrical disciplines; professional moti-vation and competence.
Keywords: magistracy; pedagogical education; theatrical pedagogy; research activity; cultural and creative activity.
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