Web-Portfolio Technology for Formation of Professional Foreign Language Communicative Competence of Students: Non-Linguistic Higher Education Institution

The relevance of the study is determined by the need to expand the boundaries of the usage of new tools and methods of work in the process of teaching foreign language in non-linguistic higher education institutions. The use of webportfolio technology provides with the necessary pedagogical conditions for the formation of an appropriate level of students’ professional foreign language communicative competence while studying the discipline «Foreign language». The aim of this work is to study the didactic potential of web-portfolio technology and to create a methodological model in order to improve the level of students’ professional foreign language communicative competence in a nonlinguistic university. As a result, the author reveals the significance of the web-portfolio technologyfor the formation of students’ professional competencies. The results of the current research determine web-portfolio as a means of increasing students’ educational achievements and motivation while studying a foreign language at a university.
Keywords: professionalforeign language communicative competence, web-portfolio, methodological model, communicative approach, foreign language.
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