No. 6 (2023)

Multicultures and Multilingua as Key Axiologem for Improving Quality of Language Education

Problem statement concerns the actual issues of forming a multicultural picture of the world of students via effective teaching and learning world languages.

Giftedness Development: Priority Task of Сurrent Education

The article substantiates the relevance of the problem of giftedness development for the 21st century education. The requirements put forward to a person in modern realities and the factors that define them are revealed. The problem relevanceis analysed on three levels: social-pedagogical, scientific-theoretical, practical-implementing. The tasks of giftedness development, which are outlined in the state educational policy, are presented. Modern approaches to the development of concepts and models of giftedness are studied: integrative, dynamic, humanistic.

Control as a Factor of Improving the Quality of Foreign Language Education

The article actualizes the problem of preparing students for the final state certification in foreign languages. A brief analysis of the concept of «control”» is given, and the main features of the control of the formation of speaking skills in the format of USE tasks in English are revealed. The results of the experiment on the section «Speaking» for 1st year students of Volgograd State University were analyzed in order to identify typical errors.

Phenomenon of Mentoring: Analysis of Regional Practices in Supporting the Professional Development of Teachers

New challenges to the regional education system are associated with the uncertainty and complexity of providing conditions for the continuous professional development of teaching staff and the scale of the tasks they solve to improve the quality of the educational process.

SongFest of Children: Educational Effects

The children’s festival movement of the author’s song in Western Siberia, despite its high activity, has not yet been the subject of a separate study. The cultural semantic space of a constantly sounding author’s song at a children’s festival has a great educational impact on the child, thatoccurs during its main events.

Tutor Technology of Scientific and Methodological Support of Teachers in Modern Conditions

The article deals with the management of the development of teaching staff with the help of tutor technology of scientific and methodological support of teachers in modern conditions of updating general education on the basis of federal state educational standards (FGOS) and federal basic general education programs (FOOP).

Specifics of Exploring StudentIntercultural Sensitivity in terms of Current Foreign Language Acquisition

This study portrays a number of effective foreign language teaching techniques for measuring intercultural sensitivity as a device for effective intercultural communication and dialogue between cultures that can be established by young people in a modern society. Given the priorityto this issue, the current study views intercultural sensitivity within the frames of interethnic conflict growth; international aggression within the increased globalization and migration.

The Possibilities of Interdisciplinary Integration in the Disclosure of Cause-And-Effect Relationships Between Common Scientific Concepts of Academic Disciplines

The task of pedagogical universities is to teach students to meet the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of basic general Education, i.e. the formation of a scientific view of the world among students. For current students competent to work productively in this direction, it is necessary to foster their scientific world mindset of the ways of its formation. The scientific mindset, according to the Standard, is formed on the basis of possession of intersubject concepts, as well as cause-and-effect relationships.

Plato’s Objective Idealism and Philosophy of Education

The article examines the philosophy of education of the outstanding representative of Ancient Greece, philosopher and teacher Plato (5th century BC). We need its knowledge, firstly, to understand how the formation of philosophical and pedagogical thought took place in Ancient Greece; secondly, to find out which educational concepts Plato borrowed from his teacher Socrates, and which ones are novices of him.

M. P. Pogodin, Historian: Forgotten Mentor for Tzars & Contemporaries

To begin with, the year of 2023 in Russia is proclaimed the year of mentoring. More and more has already been fulfilled to make the outmost of great educators of our times for school in terms of upbringing the young people. This paper aims at investigating the milestones of Pogodin’s career, both as a historian and a tutor, in cultivating the core of teaching the youngsters. As is the case, history knows a great number of teachers who have made a deep impression greatly influencing on education of the youth.
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