Tutor Technology of Scientific and Methodological Support of Teachers in Modern Conditions

The article deals with the management of the development of teaching staff with the help of tutor technology of scientific and methodological support of teachers in modern conditions of updating general education on the basis of federal state educational standards (FGOS) and federal basic general education programs (FOOP). The article is written in order to structure and algorithmize the experience of using the tutor technology of scientific and methodological support of teachers on the example of the heads of municipal methodological associations (MMO) of teachers of the basics of life safety (OBZH). System, activity, competence approaches, ideas of synergetic and axiological approaches are chosen as methodological bases. The problem of coupling the professional development of teaching staff with the priorities of the state educational policy in the context of regional socio-economic conditions is solved by means of methods of coordination and synchronization at the regional level with the heads of MMO teachers of certain aspects of the modern pedagogical process. Results: the experience of implementing the tutor technology of scientific and methodological support of teachers’ MMO supervisors has been structured and algorithmized; professional difficulties of teachers have been identified during the introduction of updated FSES using self-assessment of professional competence, professional Olympiad of teachers, analysis of the results of diagnostics of the level of functional literacy of students; methods of filling the identified deficits have been proposed; actual aspects of the design of the educational process in accordance with the requirements of the updated FGOS and FOOP; the criteria of the lesson or study sessionare proposed to achieve the planned comprehensive results, including the formation and assessment of functional literacy of students; the algorithm for formulating goals, objectives and planned results of the lesson or study session in the conditions of subject-subject interaction is described; an unified technological map for designing the lesson or study session in accordance with the requirements of the updated FGOSand FOOPF is proposed. In conclusion, the conclusion is made about the effectiveness of tutor technology in filling the professional deficits of teachers, the formation of the readiness of MMO managers to apply at the municipal level the materials and tools obtained at the regional network interactive methodological event to organize the design of each teacher of the educational process in accordance with modern requirements of the FGOS and the FOOPF.
Keywords: tutor technology, scientific and methodological supportof teachers, professional difficulties, ways to fill professional deficits, design of the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard and the FOOPF, criteria-based evaluation of the project of the lesson or study session.
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