Information and communication technologies in chemistry education

The article is devoted to the use of electronic (digital) educational resources in teaching chemistry. The definitions of information and Web-technologies had been explained and it was shown that Internet resources and mobile communication means can used for educational purposes. Authors noted, that electronic educational resources is the main component of the information educational environment, which unites all the means of education, and were designed and tested on the basis of computer technologies and Internet technologies. The article provides a classification of information and communication technologies, as well as electronic educational resources. The classical model of chemistry teaching is supplemented with the elements of blended learning. The technological block includes two most frequently used models for blended learning — the «Face to Face» model and the «Flipped Classroom» one. The experience of providing of the blended learning model with the involvement of numerous electronic educational resources in general education schools and pedagogical universities is presented.
Keywords: information, technology, blended learning, digital educational resources, chemistry education.
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