Features of Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy of Education

While the article examines the features of the philosophy of education of the founder of German classical philosophy, philosopher and teacher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), the study revealed that the significance of his philosophy of education is so multifaceted that it will require interdisciplinary analysis, leading to the following results. Firstly, it shows in what socio-political conditions the Kantian philosophy of education was formed and what influence the ideas of Enlightenment had on it. Secondly, he finds out which educational concepts he borrowed from his predecessors, and which ones he introduced into pedagogy himself. Thirdly, he clarifies what influence Immanuel Kant’s philosophy of education had on Western European and Russian education. The theoretical and methodological concepts of the philosophy of education proposed by Immanuel Kant served as the basis for the formation of Western European pedagogical science. In Russian pedagogical science, however, they were not widely distributed as in the West and were not carried out according to his original developments. The scientific novelty of Immanuel Kant’s philosophy of education is due to the fact that it is based on the educational concepts of the Enlightenment and the pedagogical ideas of Jean-Jacques Rousseau. In conclusion, the conclusion is made about the relevance of Immanuel Kant’s educational concepts and his significant contribution to modern pedagogical science.
Keywords: Age of Enlightenment, philosophy of education of Immanuel Kant, pedagogical foundations of Jean-Jacques Rousseau, moral and legal laws, human dignity, labor and discipline.
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