From the history

Trends of the Development of Tyumen Teachers in the Post-war Years

The article presents the difficulties faced by Tyumen teachers AT the end of the Great Patriotic War in the USSR. The purpose of the study is to study the state of Tyumen education, as well as to identify problems in the activities of teachers in the post-war period. The author has relied on the following research methods: historical-structural (identifying pedagogical connections within the school system) and historical-comparative (comparing and contrasting various historical periods in the development of school education).

Features of the Philosophy of Education of the August Hermann Franke

The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of the American and German philosopher and teacher of the XVII-XVIII centuries. August Hermann Franke. His contribution to Western and Russian education lies in the fact that he took the religious ideas of pietism and the philosophy of sensationalism as a basis and introduced them into the pedagogical system of education he developed for children and youth.

How the Philosophy of Education by Jean Jacques Russo’s Correlates With the Ideas of Naturalism

The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of the French philosopher, teacher and writer of the 18th century Jean Jacques Rousseau. His contribution to Western education lies in the fact that for the first time in the history of pedagogical thought, he placed the theory of age-related education of children at the center of the philosophical and educational system. In this theory he developed the ideas of naturalism and thus eliminated everything that interfered with the natural development of the child.

Realization of the Makarenko Pedagogy and Technology: Principles of Organization & Education Rules within a Mature Team

The article introduces new principles of the organization of education as a category of pedagogical reality and science within the A. S. Makarenkopedagogy by. The substantiation of the unclosed list of principles of education, the generation of principles by cross-cutting tasks of society is given. The connection of the principles of education with the needs and values of society is revealed, the principles of education of Makarenko are formulated and their content is disclosed. The term «rules of education» introduced into circulation and their formulation are given.

How Scholastic Conceptuality of Thomas Aquina Correlates with Medieval Philosophy of Education (Philosophical and Pedagogical Analysis)

The article analyzes the features of the philosophy of education of the outstanding representative of medieval scholasticism, philosopher and teacher, Thomas Aquinas, the knowledge of which is necessary, firstly, to understand how the formation of the philosophical and pedagogical thought of Thomas Aquinas took place; secondly, to find out which educational concepts he borrowed from his predecessors, and which he introduced into pedagogical practice himself.

Formation of Primary Professional Education at Orenburg Region: 1920s and 1930s

The article highlights important transformations in the system of primary professional education of the Orenburg region in the 20s and 30s of the XX century. On the basis of archival materials and periodicals, the author reveals all the difficulties faced by the primary professional education of the Orenburg region during the specified period and ways to overcome them. The author also considers the main ways of training workers in industry and agriculture in the Orenburg region.

Features of Immanuel Kant’s Philosophy of Education

While the article examines the features of the philosophy of education of the founder of German classical philosophy, philosopher and teacher Immanuel Kant (1724–1804), the study revealed that the significance of his philosophy of education is so multifaceted that it will require interdisciplinary analysis, leading to the following results. Firstly, it shows in what socio-political conditions the Kantian philosophy of education was formed and what influence the ideas of Enlightenment had on it.

Plato’s Objective Idealism and Philosophy of Education

The article examines the philosophy of education of the outstanding representative of Ancient Greece, philosopher and teacher Plato (5th century BC). We need its knowledge, firstly, to understand how the formation of philosophical and pedagogical thought took place in Ancient Greece; secondly, to find out which educational concepts Plato borrowed from his teacher Socrates, and which ones are novices of him.

Herbert Spencer’s Philosophy of Education Versus Darwinism

The article analyzes the philosophical and pedagogical concepts of the English scientist, philosopher and educator of XIX century, Herbert Spencer. His contribution to Western and Russian education lies in the fact that he took as a basis for the evolutionary theory of Charles Darwin «On the Survival of the Fittest Species», and for the first time in the history of pedagogical practice applied it to the education system called social Darwinism.

Development of Education at Irkutsk Destination in XVIII–XIX centuries: «Gradskaya School» and the Main State Public School

The article presents the information on the foundation and improvement of functioning the late 18th–early 19th centuries schools of Irkutsk («gradskaya» and the Main State Public School), the first general educational institutions of the capital of Eastern Siberia.
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