Advanced Professional Training: Variable Pedagogical Models of Formation and Development of Professional and Personal Qualitymodernworkers

The article examines the requirements of modern production for workers, analyzes the problem and potential of advancement in education. The author presents for discussion the results of a study involving representatives of employers and workers trained under the advanced training programs. In this regard, ranked lists of professionally significant personal qualities and attributes preferred and expected by respondents from among employers’ representatives and from among workers are presented. Specifically, the authorpresents the problems of designing and applying variable pedagogical models for the formation and development of the professional and personal quality of workers in terms of their advanced professional training. The issues of variability of such models, their pedagogical essence, and architecture are in the focus of the survey. The key elements inherent in modeling the formation and development of the professional and personal quality of workers within their advanced professional training are identified and described in detail. Keywords: modern worker; advance in education; advanced professional training of workers; professional-personal quality; Variable models of formation and development of professional and personal quality of workers.
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