English for Research Publication Purposes at Postgraduate Program of a Transport University

The problem of both quantity and quality of research publications in English by Russian scientists in high-ranking journals is still relevant today. In the absence of specialized training in academic writing at technical universities, researchers have to rely on self-study or on the translator and language proofreaders help. However, the skills of independent analytical writing develop more slowly than all other skills, and in the process of translating a scientific text into a foreign language, both logic and content may be distorted or misinterpreted. The solution is seen in the target teaching of Academic Writing in English at each educational level. This article is an attempt to generalize a five-year experience of teaching English for Research Publication Purposes (ERPP) at postgraduate program of the Siberian State Transport University (STU). The authors present the results of a survey of university postgraduate students regarding the aspects of publication activity and scientific performance in general, including those in English. In conclusion, the article states the importance of singling out ERPP as a separate discipline of the postgraduate program.
Keywords: English for Academic Purposes, English for Research Publication Purposes, Academic Writing, postgraduate study, publication activity, transport university.
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