No. 4 (2023)

Training of Advisors of Director for Education and Interaction with Children Public Associations: Moscow Experience

The article presents Moscow's experience in organizing a competition and training of Counselors for the Principal on educational guidance and interaction with children's public associations. The subjects of educational guidance in educational organizations are outlined in the article.

Educational Motivation as Main Factor of Educational Process Efficacy: Main Motivational Strategies

The article actualizes the problem of reducing the modern student motivation level in the context of the effectiveness of the educational process. In the Federal State Educational Standard, motivation for learning activities is considered both as a condition for achieving planned results, and as one of the personal results of mastering the basic educational program by students. Educational motivation is a complex systemic dynamic process based on the leading human needs.

Educational Environment As Cultural & Pedagogical Phenomenon of XXI Century

The educational environment is an integral part of modern life. This article discusses the development of the educational environment and its impact on academic success and personal development. The factors and features of a high-quality educational environment are identified, as well as measures to improve it are considered. The author calls for attention to the problem of the development of the educational environment and its further improvement to better lives and careers of people at any age.

Secondary Vocational Education: Modern Approaches to Teaching English

The authors of the article consider the modern requirements of state regulatory documents for the organisation of English language teaching in Russian educational institutions of vocational education and give examples of the implementation of these requirements in a new English textbook for 1-year students. The article provides theoretical basis and practical examples from the textbook.

Psychology and Pedagogy Support for Family: Teenagers with Suicidal Behavior

The article presents the experience of specialists of the Department of Support for substitute families where adolescents with suicidal and self-harming behavior, orphans and children without parental care, are brought up in foster and foster families.
Keywords: suicidal behavior of adolescents, self-harming behavior of adolescents, orphaned children, children left without parental care, foster families, work methods, work technologies.

Functional Literacy Development of Students in Terms of Astronomy Course

The functional literacy development of students is a priority for the general education system. This task is a must for all teachers within the educational institution curriculum, astronomy is no exception. But, according to the federal educational standard for secondary education changes this subject is no longer mandatory for the inclusion into the core curriculum at the secondary level; its content is incorporated into other subjects, Physics and Geography. As is the case, it is possible to include Astronomy as an elective course within the educational relationship, i.e.

Measurement of Acceleration of Free Fall Using the Digital Laboratory «Releon»

The article discusses the features of using some sensors of the digital laboratory «Releon» in the general school physics course. Four methods are presented for measuring the acceleration of free fall using this digital complex with an assessment of the accuracy of the result. Position, motion, voltage sensors and an oscilloscope are used. The advantages and disadvantages of the digital laboratory are revealed.

Revealing Formation of Scientific Literacy at Final Certification in Physics

The article presents the problems of the formation of functional literacy in teaching physics. According to the latest versions of federal state educational standards for basic general and secondary general education, functional literacy is included into the requirements for learning outcomes. Therefore, the problem of identifying the state of formation of functional, including natural science literacy and determining the directions for correcting the educational process to ensure the implementation of the requirements for the result is relevant.

Schoolchildren with Disabilities Program: Model of Training Future Teachers for Implementation of Educational Functions

The article presents the model of preparing future teachers for the implementation of the educational function within the program for children with disabilities. The relevance of the model structure focuses on the requirements of the quality of training future teachers that have significantly increased in the higher educational system. The Model covers the process of the formation of students as trained specialists for the activity program for children with limited health abilities.

English for Research Publication Purposes at Postgraduate Program of a Transport University

The problem of both quantity and quality of research publications in English by Russian scientists in high-ranking journals is still relevant today. In the absence of specialized training in academic writing at technical universities, researchers have to rely on self-study or on the translator and language proofreaders help. However, the skills of independent analytical writing develop more slowly than all other skills, and in the process of translating a scientific text into a foreign language, both logic and content may be distorted or misinterpreted.
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