IT-technologies as a Device of Mathematics Olympiads at Universities

The article discusses the feasibility of introducing Internet technologies into the educational process when conducting extracurricular activities, in particular, student olympiads in mathematics as part of the process of digitalization of education. The place of the subject olympiads in the system of higher education is analyzed, as well as the role of the olympiad as an environment for the development of digitalization tools. The experience of organizing student mathematical Olympiads using digital distance technologies is presented and considered. The advantages, disadvantages and characteristic features of certain technical means and electronic applications based on the practice of their use are underlined. The implementation of the Olympiad movement is presented as one of the vectors for the development of an innovative ecosystem as a tool for the digitalization of university education, that helps to increase efficiency, effectiveness and competitiveness, as well as to personalize the digital skills of teaching staff.
Keywords: Internet technologies, digitalization of education, student Olympiads.
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