The role and place education of digital technologies in the development of a successful person

The aim of the study is to develop a concept for the use of digital technologies in modern education for the formation of a successful personality, therefore, the article considers the relationship between effective inventive activity and a person’s success in life. Research method - structural and functional analysis of the education system. To identify problems in the existing educational process, the results of this analysis are presented. The number of common and harmful functions of individual elements of the educational process is determined. As a result of the analysis of the harmful functions of each element, it was revealed that for the effective use of electronic communication means, it is necessary to change the concept of the existing general and vocational education. This is possible if we move away from inefficient educational activities associated with unmotivated consumption of factual educational knowledge to human-forming inventive activity. Keywords: education, thinking, main function, success, inventive activity.
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