Internet-based Foreign Language Vocabulary Training of Non-linguistic University

The paper discusses issues connected with Internet-based vocabulary training at foreign language classes in nonlinguistic university. The advantages of usage of Internet-resources are presented. Internet is considered as a training tool of various kinds of speech activity at foreign language classes. Having proved the importance and necessity of the implementation of Internet technologies in foreign language training, we have identified and described Internet resources that allow enlarging vocabulary as it contributes to mastering various aspects of speech activity. A lot of Internet resources, platforms and game platforms devoted to teaching of vocabulary are given in the paper. It is proved that Internet-based foreign language training optimizes the activities of educators as coordinators of students’ activities, increases motivation of students to foreign language learning, deepens their knowledge level, enhances the efficiency of mastering foreign language vocabulary. We described exercises of experiment, questionnaire that was offered to students. Exercises done by students correspond to the levels of lexical skills: introduction of a word, repeating it , fixing it in the language exercises and then speech exercises and use it in many kinds of speech activities. It is offered to train vocabulary a lot in communicative exercises. Their goal is to form lexical skills. We pay attention to forming of lexical skills in natural or similar communication. One of the conditions of forming lexical skills is gamification. Games have pictures of things, their qualities, human activities and spelling of a word. Internet-techniques are modern attractive and effective tools of teaching on the High school level.
Keywords: Internet-based training, Internet technologies, foreign language training, foreign language vocabulary, communicative competence.
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