A Cognitive Approach in Teaching English Word Formation to Linguistic Students in Digital Educational Environment

The article substantiates the cognitive approach acceptability using digital resources in professional teaching of English word formation through such an organization of educational activities, which includes tasks and exercises aimed at the development of word-formation competence and creative abilities of students-methodologists. The authors focus on the peculiarities of professional language education, consider the concept of a cognitive approach in teaching English word formation, describe the features of conducting classes using digital resources and offer an original organization of educational activities aimed at acquiring the necessary competencies by future teachers. The types of educational actions on word formation proposed in the article provide the formation of word-formation competence and develop linguo-creative thinking, linguistic guess, lexical memory. In general, these exercises and assignments are aimed at developing the linguistic and professional competencies necessary for linguistic students - future teachers of English. As practice shows, cognitive-digital synthesis ensures the successful assimilation of knowledge, improvement of abilities and skills, as well as the formation of a holistic picture of the world within the studied language.
Keywords: cognitive process of teaching word formation: categorization, classification, generalization, argumentation, thematic heading
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