On the Educational Potential of Military-Historical Board Games on the Example of Strategic Board Game «The Road to Victory. Battle for Moscow»

This article discusses the potential of strategic board games in the educational process in history classes on the example of a strategic board game "The Road to Victory. Battle for Moscow". The article analyzes the game, identifies technical and methodological problems arising in its use, notes the strengths and weaknesses of the educational potential of the game content. The authors focus on the problem of matching the gameplay of the board game "The Road to Victory. The Battle for Moscow". and historical reality. Summarizing the analysis of the game, the authors emphasize the role of board history games in the fight against historical "fakes" and note the importance of board history games as pedagogical cases.
Keywords: board games, military-patriotic education of high school students, history of Russia, the Great Patriotic War, the Battle of Moscow.
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