Experience in Creating Posters at Foreign Language Lessons in the 7th Grade of Secondary School

This article focuses on the issue of creating the posters by secondary school students at foreign language lessons. It presents the theoretical justification of the concept of “poster”, focuses on the possibilities of teaching intensification, strengthening the use of visual methods while creating posters. Particular attention is paid to the methods of students’ self-work with the large amount of information, as well as the processing and presenting the extensive material in a concise poster format. The authors reflect on the experience of French teachers in organizing the students’ work in creating posters as a final task on the topic “The biggest cities of France”, and as well as focus on the presentation of a specific work algorithm: describing the city with the sample sentences; the criteria for posters evaluating are provided.
Keywords: foreign language, French language, teaching aids, poster, regional study material, criteria for evaluating.
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