New Educational Elements f the Profile Course “Physics”, Section “Quantum Physics” of General Secondary Education

The modern development of the economy of the Russian Federation requires a high quality of secondary general education, a conscious choice by graduates of schools of vocational technical and technological education. Analysis of the Model Program and the Work Programs of specialized schools revealed the problems of forming a physical picture of the world. The object of the study is the process of teaching physics, the subject of the study is the educational content and technological methods of mastering students’ knowledge in the section Quantum Physics. The purpose of the study is to identify the educational elements of the quantum physics course that affect the formation of the Physical Picture of the World. The tasks are to make changes in the content of training, make adjustments to teaching methods in accordance with the results planned by the GEF, search for effective elements of the technology for the formation of scientific knowledge and pedagogical conditions that ensure the high quality of their assimilation. The article substantiates the introduction of new educational elements into the curriculum of the subject Physics, section Quantum Physics. The content of the curriculum, the elements of the technology for mastering the core of the theory are clearly presented. The research was of an applied nature with the approbation of the author’s technology for teaching intellectually gifted students, including the Multipoint Cumulative Evaluation System, and the corresponding conditions for mastering the content of the subject Physics at the in-depth level of secondary general education, when studying the quantum physics section, which forms the scientific picture of the world, the worldview of a young person. The main results of the practical application of the author’s approach to teaching physics in the State Lyceum of the Republic of Tyva (Kyzyl) are presented. The high quality of education of lyceum graduates gives the basis for the introduction of this experience, it will be useful to teachers of specialized and specialized classes.
Keywords: new units of knowledge, Physical picture of the world, structuring of the content of training, multi-point accumulative system.
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