Reading Literacy of the Teacher in the Conditions of Implementation of the Updated Fses of General Education

Professional discussion of the topic of developing the functional literacy of teachers, which makes it possible to productively solve the problems of mastering the planned results of the main educational program at all levels of school education, has ceased to be a holy war issue and has become one of the main pedagogical subjects of recent times. At the present stage of introducing and implementing the requirements of the updated federal state educational standards for general education, the professional pedagogical community is interested in active search, wide dissemination of effective forms, methods, pedagogical tools and approaches to solving the problem of developing reading literacy as a rigid risk zone that provokes the greatest difficulties. In addition, in the works of methodologists, there is no unambiguous opinion on the formation and development of the teacher’s reading literacy, which allows to eliminate shortcomings as much as possible and get closer to solving the problem of improving the quality of education. Analysis of the results of the study allowed the author of the article to identify problem areas and determine the reference points, which allow leveling potential problems, eliminating the difficulties of a modern teacher in the development of reading literacy.
Keywords: functional literacy, reading literacy, advanced training of teachers, federal state educational standard of general education.
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