Creating an LMS Course for Distance Learning of Students of Non-Linguistic Specialties

This article is based on our experience of creating and implementing distance English courses at the Siberian Institute of Management branch of RANEPA, which has implemented a distance learning system and provides academic programs both traditionally and remotely. The article is devoted to the current problem of filling LMS content with didactic, video, audio materials and other educational resources. The educational potential of the learning management system (LMS) is considered. Special attention is paid to who-the possibilities of full-fledged implementation in a remote format, the set goals and educational objectives of the program “Foreign language”, through a course created in the LMS system. Based on the analysis of practical experience in developing and filling LMS content in SIU- filial RANEPA, the basic principles are described and recommendations for its creation are given. The article discusses in detail the main and additional sections of the distance course. Special attention is paid to the introductory part – the “General” section, its subsections are prescribed in detail and their necessity is justified-there is a difference in the course structure. The article focuses on the requirements for educational materials, systematic presentation, logical sequence and structuring of information. In conclusion, the article gives an assessment of this technique and the possibility of its application.
Keywords: training, communication, technology, education, integration, digital generation, mobile devices. more
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