Conceptual Foundations and Educational Model of the Formation of Linguistic and Socio-Cultural Competence of High School Students

The purpose of this study is to theoretically substantiate the practical aspects of the formation and development of linguistic and socio-cultural competence of high school students with the help of authentic texts used in foreign language lessons. The methodological basis of this research is the ideas of a cognitive-communicative approach in teaching a foreign language at school; psychological and pedagogical foundations of teaching a foreign language at high school age; the basics of linguadidactics and methods of teaching a foreign language to high school students; the principles of personality-oriented education. As a result of the research, the essence of the category of linguasociocultural competence of high school students is revealed, and the conceptual foundations of its development and formation are determined; the principles of development and formation of linguasociocultural competence of high school students are defined and listed, taking into account the provisions of cognitive-communicative and personality-oriented approaches, which as a result allowed to formulate a model for the development of linguasociocultural competence of high school students using authentic texts.
Keywords: sociocultural competence, linguacultural competence, communicative situation, intercultural interaction, foreign language teaching at school
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