No. 1 (2024)

Features And Prospects For The Implementation Of The Project «Network Teacher Of The Novosibirsk Region»

In pursuance of the list of instructions of the President of the Russian Federation on the creation and development of the Digital Educational Environment (hereinafter referred to as the DEL), the Novosibirsk Region (hereinafter referred to as the NSO) takes part in the testing and implementation of a number of federal projects in order to create equal conditions for obtaining quality education in schools in the region.

Possibilities of Network Remote Support for Teacher Digital Competence Development

The article presents to the problem area of developing the professional competence of a teacher in the aspect of digitalization of the educational space. This circumstance predetermines the current tasks of the teacher, as well as the priority directions for the development of the professional development system to be responsible for the mastery by teachers of professional skills and functions, that are in demand in the digital educational space. Consequently, the goal of the study is to identify effective ways to develop the digital competence of a teacher.

Individual Educational Program’s Design as a Means of Professional Development of the Teacher in the System of Continuous Education of Teachers

The paper presents the actual issues of the organization of continuous education of teachers in accord with the changing conditions and the requirements of regulatory documents. The purpose, object, subject, methods and methodology of the study are revealed in the introduction. The author, studying approaches to the implementation of ideas of continuing education, identifies the main components of the system of continuing pedagogical education in the results of the study.

Preparing Future Teachers for the Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Professional Activities

The article covers the problem area of developing competencies in the field of artificial intelligence among students of pedagogical specialties. The datebase of the ascertaining experiment conducted among students of pedagogical specialties of the Kuzbass Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University (KHPI KemSU) in 2023 testified to the insufficient preparation of future teachers for the use of artificial intelligence systems in the educational environment and, as a consequence, the need to introduce a special discipline into the educational environmental preparation.

Features of Educational and Methodological support Development of Teacher Professional Mobility

To confirm the relevance of the research topic, a multi-scientific analysis of scientific and educational literature was made. It was possible to identify the following: professional mobility as a subject of scientific interest in pedagogy has been studied for more than thirty years. The emphasis in defining this concept has shifted from representing mobility as a process to thinking about mobility as a personal quality, personal potential. This gives reason to assume that pedagogical influence can be exerted on its development.

Professional Readiness of Future Teachers to Use Modern Digital Technologies in the Educational Process: Problem Statement

The article discusses the relevance of preparing future teachers for the use of digital technologies in their future professional activities. The author used theoretical research methods: study and analysis of literature, data synthesis, specification; as well as empirical methods: pedagogical observation and survey. Based on the analysis of the literature, the concepts of professional readiness, digital literacy and digital competence were revealed. The survey was aimed at identifying the readiness of future teachers to use digital technologies in the educational process.

Foreign Language Teaching in Multi-Level Language Groups of Engineering Students

Problem statement. One of the goals of institutions of higher professional education is to improve the quality and significance of foreign language education, which contributes to the formation and development of both foreign language communicative competence and multicultural picture of the world of graduates. The aim of this paper is to study and analyze the peculiarities of organization and methods of foreign language teaching for professional communication in a multi-level group. Methodology.

Conceptual Foundations and Educational Model of the Formation of Linguistic and Socio-Cultural Competence of High School Students

The purpose of this study is to theoretically substantiate the practical aspects of the formation and development of linguistic and socio-cultural competence of high school students with the help of authentic texts used in foreign language lessons.

Features of Comparative Approach to Conducting Linguodidactic Research

The article discusses the features of conducting a linguodidactic research at the present stage of the development of linguodidactics, taking into account the tasks it facing. The authors emphasize the relevance of linguistic didactic research, which is carried out by comparing educational systems, including foreign language educational system, or certain aspects of the process of teaching a foreign language in different countries. This type of linguodidactic researches is becoming the most relevant and contributes to the development of linguodidactics as a science.

The 4K Concept as an Idea to Describe the Technology for the Formation of Universal Skills

The transition to the process of digitalization and training of personnel for the modern economy in a changing labor market has actualized the problem of the formation and implementation of universal skills in the digital educational environment. The article presents an approach to applying the case-study method in the format of network seminars (online) for teachers of secondary vocational institutions.
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