Professional Readiness of Future Teachers to Use Modern Digital Technologies in the Educational Process: Problem Statement

The article discusses the relevance of preparing future teachers for the use of digital technologies in their future professional activities. The author used theoretical research methods: study and analysis of literature, data synthesis, specification; as well as empirical methods: pedagogical observation and survey. Based on the analysis of the literature, the concepts of professional readiness, digital literacy and digital competence were revealed. The survey was aimed at identifying the readiness of future teachers to use digital technologies in the educational process. 103 students of pedagogical colleges of the city of Novokuznetsk took part in the survey. An analysis of the survey results is given. In conclusion, conclusions are drawn about the need for a more in-depth study of the issue due to the inconsistency of the data obtained: young future teachers, on the one hand, are active users of modern digital technologies, on the other hand, there is a clear lack of equal readiness to work with various technologies, as well as poor awareness of them diversity. In this regard, the question is raised about revising the content of the training of future specialists, searching for new forms and methods of training aimed at increasing digital competencies and developing professional readiness.
Keywords: professional readiness, digital technologies, educational process
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