Preparing Future Teachers for the Use of Artificial Intelligence Systems in Professional Activities

The article covers the problem area of developing competencies in the field of artificial intelligence among students of pedagogical specialties. The datebase of the ascertaining experiment conducted among students of pedagogical specialties of the Kuzbass Humanitarian-Pedagogical Institute of Kemerovo State University (KHPI KemSU) in 2023 testified to the insufficient preparation of future teachers for the use of artificial intelligence systems in the educational environment and, as a consequence, the need to introduce a special discipline into the educational environmental preparation. The article describes the experience of introducing the discipline “Artificial Intelligence Systems in Professional Activities” into the training of bachelors of pedagogical education: the purpose of the discipline, its role and place in the professional training of the future bachelor are indicated, the content of the discipline is revealed, and the technologies being studied based on artificial intelligence systems are listed, the organization of training students is described. The results of experimental training allow the authors of the article to conclude that the proposed approach to developing competencies in the field of artificial intelligence makes it possible to improve the level of training of future teachers and contributes to the development of their professional skills.
Keywords: artificial intelligence systems, artificial intelligence in education, training of future teachers, educational process at a university
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