School Physics Experiment: Studying Alpha Particles

The purpose of this article is to discuss the problem of teaching the basics of nuclear physics in a school course. Based on the analysis of numerous sources on the school demonstration experiment, the authors consider the use of demonstration equipment in the study of the topic «Elementary particles». The main objectives of the article are to improve the situation with the observation of the properties of alpha particles, that is difficult to reproduce in practice, and to compile methodological recommendations for working with such equipment. Despite the fact that this topic is often burdened by radiophobia that has spread in the society, demonstration experiments do not harm the health of students and give a correct idea of these objects. The results of the work done allow the authors to conclude that improving the methodology of using common equipment to demonstrate the properties of alpha particles increases the assimilation of material by students, and reduces the time for preparing demonstrations by the teacher. This is facilitated by the results of an experimental study of alpha particle detection equipment and the developed methodological recommendations for conducting demonstration experiments on this topic.
Keywords: alpha radiation, demonstration equipment, detectors, radiation sources, «Radiation detector»
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