Thesaurus of Moral Concepts of Senior Pre-school Children with General Speech Under-Development: Pedagogy Diagnosis

Based on an analysis of the theoretical aspects of the problem of forming a dictionary of moral concepts in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment (hereinafter referred to as GSD), the article presents a designed methodology for pedagogical diagnostics of this dictionary. The relevance of the study is determined by the need of preschool educational organizations (hereinafter referred to as PEO) (including those implementing the practice of inclusive education) for tools to identify preschoolers with speech impairments, a dictionary of moral concepts, which is explained by the increased attention of the state and modern society to the problem of introducing children to spiritual -moral values of Russian society. The purpose of the study is to develop a methodology for diagnosing the dictionary of moral concepts in children of the 7th year of life with ODD. Research methods: comparison, analysis, generalization of scientific views and methodological experience; pedagogical design. The content and stages of diagnostics of the dictionary of moral concepts in children of the 7th year of life with ODD and the corresponding tools have been developed and described. Evaluation criteria and levels of the dictionary of moral concepts, requirements for diagnostics and forms for recording its results have been developed. The developed diagnostic methodology will allow us to identify the features of the dictionary of moral concepts in children of the 7th year of life with ODD, which can be used as the basis for determining the pedagogical conditions for the formation of this dictionary. In accordance with the results of the study, the content of the stages of work on the formation of a dictionary of moral concepts is outlined: preparatory (organization), main (formation), final (consolidation).
Keywords: dictionary, moral concepts, general speech underdevelopment, children of the 7th year of life, preschool education, inclusive education, diagnostic stages
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