No. 4 (2024)

Professional Skill Championships as a Modern Form of Dual Training

The article conserns the development of dual training in the system of secondary vocational education in Russia. The demand for training highly qualified specialists for the leading sectors of the economy has a great influence on the dual model of education. The introduction includes the aim, object, subject and methods of the study. The description of the peculiarities of the Soviet and foreign approach helps the author in analyzing of historical development in the sphere of the dual system.

Development of Humanitarian Thinking of Schoolchildren within Dialogue

The relevance of the problem of the development of humanitarian thinking considered in the article is related to the need to confront technocratic civilization, to prevent the technocratization of the consciousness of modern schoolchildren. The purpose of the study is to theoretically substantiate and implement the psychological and pedagogical condition for the development of humanitarian thinking of schoolchildren — «involving students within a humanitarian dialogue».

Methodical Aspects of Forming Humanitarian Culture of Schoolchildren

The relevance of this article considers the scientific comprehension of functioning of the technology of the formation of schoolchildren′s humanitarian culture in the system of additional foreign language education. The content of foreign language (FL) teaching is mainly represented by language and speech units, the spheres of oral language teaching, the topics for speaking and reading, the communication tasks and speech-thought actions, that constitute the technology of FL teaching.

Strategy of Discourse Reading Development at Higher Education Institutions

The article examines the skill of discursive reading of texts by students of higher educational institutions. The authors emphasize the relevance of cultivating such a skill in students due to the fact that modern practice of teaching reading involves developing the skill of decoding text, but not modeling its meaning at the metacognitive level. As a result, students perceive reading as a means of achieving a certain goal — passing an exam, receiving a diploma, etc.

Thesaurus of Moral Concepts of Senior Pre-school Children with General Speech Under-Development: Pedagogy Diagnosis

Based on an analysis of the theoretical aspects of the problem of forming a dictionary of moral concepts in preschool children with general speech underdevelopment (hereinafter referred to as GSD), the article presents a designed methodology for pedagogical diagnostics of this dictionary.

Comparative Approach of Teaching Lexis of British and American English

The article considers a comparative approach in terms of teaching the vocabulary of British and American English. The work analyzes works on the problems of intercultural, socio-cultural approaches, principles of oppositional activity, the historical context of the emergence of American English as a variant of the English language, as well as American cultural identity in relation to the topic under study. The studied criteria for selecting the content of the lexical material of British and American English for teaching are given.

Difficulties of Teaching the Chinese Language for Future Educators

In the conditions of close cooperation and exchange between Russia and China the Chinese language is studied both in Russian schools and universities at teacher and translator training departments. The article emphasizes that the Chinese language is significantly different from European languages, a number of its specific features are presented. Chinese largely shed its image as an «exotic» and «non-learning» language only after the reform and opening-up policies of the People’s Republic of China in 1979.

Socio-Philosophical Analysis of the Concept of a Unified Cultural and Educational Space of a Higher Educational Institution

Purpose of the study: to carry out a socio-philosophical analysis of the concept of “a unified cultural and educational space of a university.” Procedure and methods. The study was carried out on the basis of the following basic approaches: holarchical, bionic, anthropocentric, from the point of view of social expediency. Results.

Current Dance: Program Requirements for Training Classical Ballet Dancers

The article presents the results of a research, the purpose of which is to develop program requirements for teaching modern dance to ballet dancers. The relevance of the presented problems lies in the substation and application of psychological and pedagogical laws in the pedagogical process of students acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, abilities, identified and obtained by methods of analysis and comparison in relation to the process of teaching modern dances, which widely occupy a place in the repertoires of the country`s theaters.

Differences of Academic Traditions of Russian and Brazilian Art Education

The article considers the problem of art education. The educational systems of Russia and Brazil are compared. The socio-managerial conditions for the implementation of art education are considered. Using the example of the municipal budgetary institution of additional education of the Krasnoobsk Children’s Art School, the main directions of four additional pre-professional programs, general education programs with a five-year term of study are outlined.
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