Professional Skill Championships as a Modern Form of Dual Training

The article conserns the development of dual training in the system of secondary vocational education in Russia. The demand for training highly qualified specialists for the leading sectors of the economy has a great influence on the dual model of education. The introduction includes the aim, object, subject and methods of the study. The description of the peculiarities of the Soviet and foreign approach helps the author in analyzing of historical development in the sphere of the dual system. Searching for new forms of dual training is connected with the present economic development in Russia. The interaction between education and production is leading with the help of both sides’ participation in Russian professional skills movement. It’s the effective ground for cooperation that is realized according to the federal project «Professionalitet». The partnership of educational institutions and potential employers in the implementation of professional skills championships takes place in different directions and at different levels. It’s also mentioned about the advantages and disadvantages of the student participation in the championships in terms of the practice-oriented training. According to the own experience of participation in championships the author is sure in the effectiveness of the modern dual training form in Russia. In conclusion the main problems of dual training in the form of the championship movement are formulated. Statistical data, monitoring of key indicators and opinions of specialists allowed to determine the prospects for the further development of the dual training model and employment of graduates. The State Education Policy, the federal project and the championship movement play an important role in achieving new results.
Keywords: dual system, practice-oriented training, Professionals, Professionalitet, an employment, an industrial partner
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