Features of the Relationship Between the Process of Digitalization and self-Organization of Students of a Pedagogical University

The process of digitalization of all aspects of a person’s life activity has an increasingly significant impact on the technologies of the professional activity, including the educational activities of students of a modern university. Both Internet technologies and active self-realization of students in social networks actualize the processes of virtual imitation of the identification of a professional image with the personal potential of students, whose self-organization of online communities changes the motives, orientation and semantic foundations of the transformation of professionally significant skills, and competencies into internalized personally significant characteristics of their implementation. This phenomenon leads to solving the problems of professional socialization of students in the process of interaction of the participants of the educational process. This article clarifies the essence of the concepts of «digitalization» and «selforganization of personality»; examines the peculiarities of the influence of the digitalization process on the readiness of students for self-organization; identifies the relationship of the process under investigation with the development of skills and competencies of working with information, which is one of the most important components of functional literacy: in particular, their reading literacy, in the course of an information-rich professionally oriented educational activities of students.
Keywords: Internet, educational process, self-organization, self-regulation, self-assessment, digitalization, information, distance learning tools
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