No. 5 (2024)

Novel Five-Year Time Period of Development of Novosibirsk Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute History

The Novosibirsk Teachers’ Upgrading and Retraining Institute (on: the Institute) as one of the leaders of the system of Russian educational organization of optional professional education of a pedagogue is characterized by the dynamic development due to the priorities of Federal and regional politics. The conceptuality of reorganization and development activities of the Institute considers a number of approaches as axiology, competence and andragogy. Goal.

Topical Issues of Creating a Common Language Learning Environment within the Framework of Continuing Professional Education: Comparative Analysis of the Entropy of the Russian and English Languages

Problem Statement. The article focuses on the key aspects of the formation and development of a common language learning environment in present-day conditions; it also analyzes some issues of the development of the research methodology and identifies important areas for improving the communicative educational environment in the context of the entropy of the Russian and English languages as a driver for transformation and change within the system. Goal. The article outlines the problem areas of pedagogical education that need to be addressed.

Feedback as a tool for improving the quality of education

The article actualizes the problem of using feedback to improve the quality of education and defines its place in the new paradigm of education. The methodological basis of the study is the competence and reflexive approaches. The author analyzes the existing deficiencies of the established system of control and assessment in school practice and proposes target guidelines for their elimination.

Topical Issues of Creating Novice Professional Spaces at Higher Educational Institution: English for Specific Purposes Course

This study substantiates the need to update the information and educational environment of a modern university, in which scientific and methodological support in the format of educational and methodological literature of linguistic direction takes not the last place in solving the problems of integration into the multicultural and multinational regional spaces, that is in the focus of current Scientific Scholarship in several aspects, including organizational and pedagogical.

Features of the Relationship Between the Process of Digitalization and self-Organization of Students of a Pedagogical University

The process of digitalization of all aspects of a person’s life activity has an increasingly significant impact on the technologies of the professional activity, including the educational activities of students of a modern university.

Educational-Scientific and Educational-Professional Genres of Students of Construction Universities in the Genre Classification of Scientific Functional Style

The Standard requirements for the professional training of students in the field 08.03.01 Construction lead to identify professionally significant written and oral genres, the correlation of which with the functional styles both of the Russian language and their style varieties is relevant for the methodology of the formation of the professional communicative competence. Problem statement. In current Scientific Scholarship the problem under consideration, i.e.

Speech Regulation of Behavior of a Child: Methodology &Technology

Statement of the problem. The success of learning both native and foreign languages at school largely depends on the level of speech maturity with which the student comes to the first grade. At the same time, despite the large number of technologies and methods of speech therapy correction that have proven their high effectiveness over the past decades, the number of children of early and preschool age with speech development disorders not only does not decrease, but even continues to grow.

Content and Organization of the Municipal Professional Skills Competition «Best Teacher of the Year»: an Expert View

The professional skills competition «Teacher of the Year» is held annually at three levels: municipal, regional and federal. The problem is the lack of a unified approach to the content, organization and evaluation criteria of tests. To solve the problem, the goal was set — to conduct an expert assessment of competitive materials that determine the procedure, conditions of organization and criteria apparatus, using the example of the municipal professional skills competition «The best Teacher of the Year».

The Experience of Organizing Master’s Degree Courses in a Pedagogical University in Electronic Form

The e-course is a new form and method of organizing distance learning, which allows a graduate student to successfully continue his studies without interrupting his main job. The purpose of the study is to represent the analysis of the use of electronic distance courses of master’s degree disciplines in a pedagogical university and to determine the structure of distance courses using the example of two disciplines, to describe the organization of studies in the Moodle e-learning system, as well as to consider examples of basic standard tasks. Materials and methods.

Mythological Characteristics of the Archaic Blacksmith

When studying primitive history at school, methodological difficulties arise in explaining the process of emergence of social differentiation and formation of elites in ancient societies. This article presents a variant of using mythological and linguistic sources to reconstruct these processes on the example of the professional group of blacksmiths. The results of the research allow us to define the main type of their activity as religious.
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