Irina V. Gurkova

Effective Ways to Practice Orthographic Dictionary in Primary School

In the article we substantiate the necessity of using orthographic dictionary in the process of teaching the Russian language to primary school children. We propose some exercises and tasks for working with dictionaries of different types, developed in accordance with the age and psychological characteristics of younger students.

Keywords: orthographic dictionary, orthogram, methods of work with dictionary, types of tasks and exercises.

Effeitive Ways to Practice Explanatory Dictionary in Primary Shool

The article substantiates the necessity of using explanatory dictionary in the process of teaching the Russian language to junior schoolchildren. The key aim of the present article is to determine the basic methodical principles of work with the this dictionary, which is one of the most important prerequisites for forming and developing junior schoolchildren. The article introduces types of tasks and exercises being sensitive to age and psychology features of junior schoolchildren.

Effective Ways to Practice Orthоepic Dictionary in Primary School

In the article we substantiate the necessity of using orthoepic dictionary in the process of teaching the Russian language to junior schoolchildren, and propose some types of exercises and tasks to practice this dictionary, considering the age and psychological characteristics of primary school children.

Keywords: orthoepic dictionary, difficulty of pronunciation (orphoepem), methods of work with dictionary, types of tasks and exercises.

Effeitive Ways to Practice Explanatory Dictionary in Primary Shool

The article substantiates the necessity of using explanatory dictionary in the process of teaching the Russian language to junior schoolchildren. The key aim of the present article is to determine the basic methodical principles of work with the this dictionary, which is one of the most important prerequisites for forming and developing junior schoolchildren. The article introduces types of tasks and exercises being sensitive to age and psychology features of junior schoolchildren.

Using Dictionaries for Learning Russian in Primary School

In the article we justify the need of using different types of dictionaries in teaching younger students the Russian language. The offered types of exercises and tasks for working with dictionaries of different types have been developed in accordance with the age and psychological characteristics of younger students.

Keywords: type of dictionary, word-list, methods of dictionary work, types of tasks and exercises.

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