Forum: the potential of foreign language education for realizing the federal state educational standards requirementsReflection on Foreign Languages TeachingWe examine in detail the concept of reflective learning activities. Various methods of organizing student reflection are described. Keywords: reflection, stages and forms of reflection, connection between reflection and goal-setting, the process of student's understanding of his training activities. Improving the Efficiency of Foreign Language Teaching through the Use of Modern Approaches to the Organization of the Educational Activities of StudentsIn the article we describe in detail the active learning methods used in a foreign language teaching. Keywords: active learning methods, local (module) technologies, innovation activity of a teacher. The Development of Teacher's Professional Competence in Modern ConditionsThis article is focused on the changes in the modern system of education, the conditions of the development of teacher's professional competence, the need of professional training of teachers, as well as the main ways of developing professional competence of the teacher. Keywords: competence, professional competence, the conditions for the development of professional competence, ways of developing professional competence, professionalism criteria. WebQuest: The Use of ICT at Foreign Language LessonsIn the article we analyze some definitions of the WebQuest available in the Russian pedagogical literature, and describe a practical example of the WebQuest developing and functions of its separate steps. Keywords: information and communication competence, new educational standards, educational WebQuest, information resources of the Internet, project activity. Teaching Chinese Language in Rural Schools: The Development of NetworkingWe present our experience of teaching Chinese language in close cooperation with other schools — for example, holding joint competitions and conferences. Keywords: Chinese language, regional geography, Networking. Mini-case technology: Synthetic Reality at Foreign Language LessonsThis article is a detailed description of the mini-case method for learning a foreign language. We present our developed method based on the case learning. Keywords: case, synthesis, real situation, problem solving, inductive method. Metadisciplinary Approach to a Foreign Language TeachingWe examine in detail metadisciplinary approach to a foreign language teaching, and arise the problem of metadisciplinary lesson, and methods of its planning. Keywords: metadisciplinary lesson, metadisciplines, foreign language teaching as a field to form and use metadisciplinary connections, methods of organization of reflection. Сайт поддерживается в Новосибирском институте повышения квалификации и переподготовки работников образования и является участником Новосибирской открытой образовательной сети |