No. 1 (2017)

Identifying and developing the abilities of students

The article deals with the problem of identifying and developing skills of the child. Its relevance is due to the fact that the organization of the educational process comes down to achieve educational success from students. Aspects of self-understanding, special methods of work with the individuality of children in public schools are minimized.

Keywords: аbility, curriculum, the problem, detection, the study, education, relevance.

The Development of Information Educational Environment of Schools of Kochenyovsky District, Novosibirsk region

The article discusses the actual theme of providing quality educational services in the schools of Kochenyovsky District.

Keywords: education, information and educational environment, information and communication technology, the quality of education, rural schools.

Achievement of Planned Educational Outcomes in Primary Schools

The article describes an algorithm of teacher activities on creating necessary conditions for learning process of primary school students where each of them will reach personal, metadisciplinary and subject results as a part of requirements to basic educational program of primary general education.
Keywords: educational outcomes, expected results, the algorithm of teacher activities, basic educational program of primary general education.

Effeitive Ways to Practice Explanatory Dictionary in Primary Shool

The article substantiates the necessity of using explanatory dictionary in the process of teaching the Russian language to junior schoolchildren. The key aim of the present article is to determine the basic methodical principles of work with the this dictionary, which is one of the most important prerequisites for forming and developing junior schoolchildren. The article introduces types of tasks and exercises being sensitive to age and psychology features of junior schoolchildren.

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