No. 4 (2022)

Innovative Potential Of The Student’s Research Work

The article substantiates the importance of integrative organization of students’ academic and research work to fully develop the future linguist as a professional. When studying at the university the student needs to achieve a comprehensive development, including the formation of the ability to independently conduct research work, which is individual and creative in nature. The authors focus on the specifics of the formation of the student’s research competence, on the development of his personal motivation, analytical ability, and critical thinking.

Designing the Content of an Integrated Training Course for Students of Pedagogical Universities (on the Example of the Course “Geography of the Novosibirsk Region”)

Geography is a complex academic discipline that combines knowledge about nature, population and economy; it considers the surrounding world as a single system. This is the reason for the widespread use of subject, intersubject and metasubject concepts in it. The Federal State Educational Standard for Basic General Education, formulates the requirements for the preparation of students, including their mastery of interdisciplinary concepts, on the basis of which a holistic picture of the world is built.

Assessment of Mental and Somatic Health in Young Athletes During the Pandemic Period

The article provides a comparative analysis of mental and somatic health assessments, and the subjective well-being of two groups of youth students, one of whom is professionally engaged in sports and the other is not. It was shown that during the period of isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic, young athletes assessed their well-being lower, students who did not play sports more often showed psychosomatic symptoms.
Keywords: pandemic, youth, subjective well-being, self-esteem of somatic and mental health.

Digitalization of Higher Education and the Competence of the Future: the View of Students

The article made a deep and detailed analysis of foreign and domestic studies on the digitalization of education, aspects of the emergency introduction of online education in the spring semester of the 2019–2020 school year. The theoretical aspects of industry 4.0, labor market automation, «hard» and «soft» competencies and skills models of the future are considered.
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