A.N. Velichko

Revealing Formation of Scientific Literacy at Final Certification in Physics

The article presents the problems of the formation of functional literacy in teaching physics. According to the latest versions of federal state educational standards for basic general and secondary general education, functional literacy is included into the requirements for learning outcomes. Therefore, the problem of identifying the state of formation of functional, including natural science literacy and determining the directions for correcting the educational process to ensure the implementation of the requirements for the result is relevant.

Interaction of the Content of Biological Education and the Results of All-Russian Testing Works

The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of all-Russian testing works on biology in the 5th grade, in particular, the analysis of the participation of students in the Novosibirsk region. Decrease in the level of performance when passing from the fourth grade (the World around) to the fifth (Biology) both in Russia and in the region, confirms this fact, obtained in other studies. The article considers the factors that influence the results. It highlights the tasks that proved to be difficult for students in the Novosibirsk region, compared with students in Russia.

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