Renewal of the System of Labor Nurturing and Education as a Country-wide Issue

This article follows the topic raised by the author in the earlier publications [1, 2, 3]. Country development firstly expects standing on the strong economy. Here appears demand in the flow of labor resources with task oriented training, working, pre-professional and further professional education. By the article the author demonstrates feasibility of the necessity of the development of the modern conception of labor nurturing and education with regards to long term experience of the educational system of the country, along with the development of individual forms of ownership for the means of productions and final product. Special attention is paid to the problems with identification of needs of modern industry in the labor resources, the content of the labor nurturing and education on the different levels of general education, as well as participation of the potential investors in the expensive national project, aimed at the youth preparation to their working careers.

Keywords: labor resources, modern industrial and agricultural production, conception of labor nurturing and education, professional knowledge and skills, pre-professional education, investment to the labor nurturing and education.

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