The Role of Propaedeutic Course in the Students Adaptation to the High Educational Institution Atmosphere

The article examines some problems of the adaptation of first-year students to the university environment. The difficulties of mastering of subjects of natural-scientific directions are marked. The article suggests one of possible solutions of this problem — the organization of propaedeutic course "Physical bases of technical mechanics" for students of faculty of technology and entrepreneurship. The course includes the basic concepts and terms of physics section "Mechanics" needed when studying the following technical disciplines: theoretical mechanics, resistance of materials, materials science, etc. This article summarizes structural and methodological aspects of the above mentioned course: the topics of lectures and practical classes (11 subjects), analysis of solving certain physical tasks, tasks for self-study, as well as samples of the combined tests.

Keywords: adaptation, pedagogical technologies, propaedeutic course, physics, educational-methodical complex, informational educational environment.

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