Philosophy as Spirituo-Practical Activity

In social philosophy the phenomenon of philosophy is defined in terms of forms of social consciousness, spiritual activity and practico-spiritual mastering of the world. These concepts are not equivalent, as consciousness does not contain material and practical components. The spiritual activity is opposite to practice. As the practical activity is mediated by the spiritual activity (both as non-specialized and specialized), it can be more specifically defined as practico-spiritual activity. As the spiritual activity is mediated by practice (both in the form of observation and experiment), it can be more specifically defined as spirituo-practical activity. Thus, the introduction of paired categories of practico-spiritual and spirituo-practical activities to social philosophy is substantiated, with the latter defined not as mediation between the spiritual activity and practice, but as spiritual activi- ц ty in general, including the practice as an internal element (e.g. scientific experiment). Philosophy is a system of spiritual activities based on philosophical practice. Arising from the confines of daily philosophizing philosophy differentiates to the fundamental and applied philosophy and forms own empirical basis founded on the experience of freedom along with the philosophical theory. The results of philosophical activity are tested in the framework of philosophical lifestyle and are popularized in the mass philosophical consciousness, influencing the social practice.

Keywords: philosophy, activity, spirituo-practical activity, everyday philosophy, philosophy education, philosophy for children, philosophical consciousness, philosophical practice.

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