The Battle of Stalingrad as a Symbol of the Radical Change of Military Consciousness of the USSR

In this article, the author introduced the term "radical change of military consciousness" to explore significant changes ^ in the state of national consciousness of the USSR during the Great Patriotic war of 1941-1945. Previously, we analyzed у the crisis of national consciousness of Russia, expressed in the form of division and civil conflict. This crisis has created ^ a crisis of military identity, which was the systemic reason of the defeat of the Russian and Soviet armies in several wars ^ of the XIX and XX centuries. The causes of the defeat had civilizational, economic, political, technical, technological, and ^ actually military nature. The paper first substantiates the idea that the turning point in the war the USSR against Nazi q. Germany was preceded by a radical change of national consciousness of the USSR. In the military sense, a turning point was reached due to change in favor of the Union means and forces of war: the economic potential of modern weapons of the army and increasing military art. But before that profound changes had undergone in the national consciousness: the overcoming of class divisions in society, uniting around the historical values and traditions, the return of the Orthodox faith in the spiritual life and the names of great generals. The forms of fracture of the military consciousness were overcoming panic and confusion, the mass manifestation of perseverance and courage, of heroism in the army and home front. Great importance acquired a mass creativity in all areas of life to achieve victory: the technical and technological creativity, continuous military work of soldiers and officers up to generals, the High command in the areas of strategy, operational art and tactics. In the course of the war based on the understanding of the combat experience of the Red Army in battles against the Wehrmacht the statutes and military instruction changed, new effective forms and methods of conducting battles and fights in accordance with the conditions appeared. Also shown the anthropological significance of the Stalingrad battle for the fate of humanity.

Keywords: the crisis of military consciousness, a radical change, military creativity, forms of change of military consciousness.

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