Improvement of soft skills of pedagogical workers as a condition for the introduction of a professional standard

Brief abstract: The article discusses the need to improve the soft skills of modern pedagogical workers in the context of implementing a professional standard as one of the conditions for ensuring the quality of education. A variant of organizing activities aimed at developing soft skills among young teachers is proposed, with the aim of their professional adaptation, further development and consolidation in the workplace. To substantiate the innovation, a theoretical study was conducted of a significant number of sources of scientific and methodological information, among them the works cited in the article by T. V. Chernigovskaya, T. A. Yarkovoi, E. E. Dyugay, L. A. Gushchina, E. A. Yamburg. In addition, an empirical study was conducted in educational institutions of the Novosibirsk region. Its participants are pedagogical workers of different ages teaching pupils in various academic subjects. The results of their survey showed that objectively there is a need to organize focused work on the implementation of a professional standard, with an emphasis on the formation of new above-subject competences or soft skills of a modern pedagogical worker. The author proposes to organize Online personal growth training aimed at the development of soft skills of teachers.

Keywords: professional standard of the teacher, super-subject competencies, professional development, soft skills, emotional intelligence, communicative competence, social competencies, leadership competencies, intellectual competencies, volitional competencies.

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